Sponsorship of the Kingston 3rd Age Orchestra
We are very grateful to our sponsors for the support they give us; enabling the orchestra to put on concerts in various locations in the Kingston and Surbiton area.
The K3A orchestra was founded in 2010 to enable people to enjoy playing instrumental music in retirement. As we rehearse in Kingston on Wednesday mornings it in fact welcomes players of any age who are free to rehearse then. We give 3 concerts a year and perform a varied repertoire including regular commissions by young composers and performances by emerging young soloists, thanks to the generosity of a number of sponsors.
As part of the sponsorship package we can
- place a colour advert for your firm/ restaurant/ etc on the back page of our A5 programme (all we need is a good pdf of your artwork and information). The programme is of a good editorial standard and we offer a print run of 200. Some go to the orchestra members and the rest are sold at £1.
- advertise your firm on the several hundred flyers which are distributed to friends, family and neighbours, as well as local shops and businesses in the weeks leading up to the concert
- give you 2 complimentary tickets to our concert.
If you would like to sponsor the orchestra for a future concert, and discuss the cost of the package, please contact (to try to stop spammers the link will not work – you need to type it in).
If you would like to make a donation to our general running costs, please also contact Thank you
Recent Sponsors of the K3AO
The French Table, Surbiton
Richer Sounds, Kingston
Chelsea Financial Services, Fulham
H R Taylor Charitable Trust
Recent Donors to the K3AO
John Lewis Partners, Kingston
Waitrose Kingston